3D Week 01 (UE4 Simple Box Level)
/For this week's assignment I had to create a beveled cube in Maya, import the static mesh into Unreal Engine 4 (UE4), create simple materials and material instances, and create a scene using the cube.
I first started out by exporting UE4's mannequin to an FBX, and importing it into Maya. Shown below is the scale of my cube to the mannequin.
Next, I used the bevel tool on the cube.
After importing the cube mesh into UE4, I researched a reference image of a simple environment. Below is the reference image I used:
I sadly could not find the artist of the piece, so if anyone knows the artist, please let me know so I can properly credit them!
After finding the image, I created a master material in UE4 and multiple material instances that was similar to the color palette in the reference image.
I tried to also mess around with the post processing volume, and some point lights around the glowing cube. Here are screenshots of the finished product! I really liked how the end product turned out!
I also created a simple blueprint to have the glowing cube float up and down - just to add a little bit of movement to the scene.