3D Week 02 (Minecraft-ish Level)
/This week was continuation on cubes, and creating a Minecraft-like environment in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). I had to create a beveled cube, make the UVs, and paint the textures in Adobe Photoshop. Once those were done, I had to create an environment in Unreal Engine 4.
First step was the beveled cube. It's similar to the one created last week, but has a few more edges to round off the shape nicely, and also make UVing easier.
Next, we had to make the UVs and arrange them in a way that was easy to texture in Photoshop. Below is how the UVs were arranged and color coded in Photoshop in a 48x48 px image size. All the side faces were red, and the top and bottom faces were colored blue.
Once that was made, I looked up a reference image of a scene I wanted to recreate. I stumbled across this cute piece by 冬眠的Xiang called Elf's Forest, and wanted to build a similar tree house. I went ahead and grey boxed the space with the beveled cubes in engine:
Look at all that lovely lambert1 <3
Next, I planned out the main textures I would need for this scene. I sorted them out by what the space would mostly consist of, and then extra textures for props. The main textures were wood planks, tree logs, leaves, stone/cobblestone, bookshelves, and water. I then made them into materials for the cubes.
I also created a couple extra necessary plane props to add a bit more detail in the scene.
A ladder, newspaper, and flower walk into a treehouse...
After these were created, I added them into the scene, allowing me to iterate on the block placement, sizing, and lighting of the room.
I was satisfied with the space, and just wanted to add a couple more special textures/materials for detail.
A crate, jukebox, rope, and ivy have entered the fray!
And here is the final product! I'm quite happy with how it turned out, and I super enjoyed making all the different textures and props for the scene.